5 Productivity Hacks & 13 Free SaaS Ideas

With so many different startup ideas out there, many aspiring SaaS founders get in their own way.

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

  • You are stuck in an eternal state of analysis paralysis with a spreadsheet full of different project ideas but still can't find the perfect SaaS idea to build.

  • You waste hours each month on ProductHunt looking at different software products.  

  • You build a SaaS app that you think is cool, but it turns out it isn’t solving a problem for anyone.

If you want to avoid any of these unfortunate outcomes, here is how to come up with SaaS ideas that have real potential (including 13 free ideas you can steal). 

Here's what we're covering this week:

  • 5 productivity hacks 

  • Selling software to developers 

  • Building your marketing strategy


📺 Featured on the MicroConf Youtube Channel 

5 Productivity Hacks of Successful Founders That ACTUALLY Work

Looking to increase productivity and get better at time management? In this video, I'm sharing 5 productivity hacks that actually work. These productivity tips are used by every successful SaaS founder I know and will help you get things done, work smarter, become more efficient, and achieve great results.  


🎙 New On Startups For The Rest Of Us  

In episode 670, join Rob Walling for another solo adventure, where he discusses why while striking luck in your SaaS journey is great, working hard and building skills is the sustainable way to build businesses for the long haul. He also shares his personal approach to work when burnout is on the horizon and, finally, an anecdote relating to SaaS marketing approaches.

👉 Listen here


 🚀 3 SaaS Resources To Check Out From Around The Web


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⭐️ ️ This edition of The Micro is brought to you by TinySeed. . . 

With nearly 100 companies funded to date, TinySeed is helping B2B SaaS founders take their business to new heights through their proprietary playbook, small group masterminds, a brilliant list of mentors, and funding starting at $150K for bootstrappers with product market fit and the drive to build amazing things.


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